Wind Farms
The company has long experience in the field of Wind Farms, while the list of projects for which it has undertaken the development or individual parts of it is particularly wide. Our company provides comprehensive designer and technical consultant services in every phase of the licensing process.
Through a deep and detailed analysis of specific market data, PADEV explores and seeks new opportunities for a successful development of new wind farm projects. Through the network of Engineers that it has, our company can successfully complete all the necessary actions required both during the planning and the licensing process of such a project.
These actions concern:
- the detailed suitability check of the position
- the technical control of licensed or operating wind farm
- the sustainability study of the project
- the measurement of wind potential
- the assessment of the wind potential
- the preparation of energy studies
- the optimization of the location of the wind turbines
- the preparation of environmental studies
- the preparation of road construction studies, sound and visual nuisance studies
- the creation of photorealistic illustrations
01 Technical control and Project Sustainability
In particular for the technical control and the project sustainability, initially a preliminary technical evaluation of the project is carried out according to the project files and studies.
The wind potential is then estimated using the software WindPro. WindPRO is the industry leading software suite for design and planning of wind farms projects. For the energy study, the wind data from the available wind masts will be used. At the same time, a thorough check is carried out of all the individual permits that have been issued in favor of the project operator with the aim of ascertaining unfavorable parameters that may prevent the implementation of the wind farm or potentially increase the cost of its implementation.
All the individual data collected from the available studies, the technical and economic parameters as well as from the estimated energy production lead to the preparation of a business plan in order to analyze and assess the viability of each individual project under consideration.
In addition to the control of the above, an autopsy will be carried out in the field to draw conclusions and control the studies.
The deliverable file includes all kinds of conclusions and evidence regarding the development and completion of the project, while at the same time these will be tools that serve the interested body. All the conclusions regarding the implementation of the investment as well as the sustainability of the Wind Park are presented in an appropriately structured report.
02 Wind Potential and Energy Studies
The assessment of the wind potential will be carried out using the software (EMD WindPro). For the energy study, use is made of the available wind data from wind measuring masts. In addition, correlation with long-term measurement data will be performed.
For the wind data analysis the following are performed:
• Production of wind map of the area of interest,
• Assessment of wind potential for the appropriate types of wind turbines
The energy study contains the following:
• Description of the methodology used
• Description of the wider area of interest
• Description of the parameters used
• Presentation of energy results obtained from the simulation
• Analysis of the results and assessment of energy losses
• Comparison of the results for the different types of wind turbines
• Uncertainty calculation of the energy result based on the set of parameters entered into the simulation model.
• The detailed results of the simulation
• Modeling of the wind farm layout on a Google earth background