Based on our photocatalytic technology, we offer three product lines to meet the needs of our customers


Photocatalysis is a technology that works on the same principle as photovoltaics. It uses light energy, in the range between visible and ultraviolet, to destroy pollutants caused by car exhausts, industries, kitchens and heating which affect human health.

Advantages of photocatalytic surfaces

Unpolluted air

Reduce odors

Prevent the growth of microorganisms

Contribute to human health

Activa products represent a step forward in environmental and health technologies

They are very easy to apply:

  • Not only are they ‘green’ products, they actually clean contaminated environments.
  • In addition to helping the environment, the greatest benefits are for the health of the families that apply them to their homes.
  • They are a technology that saves money. Photocatalytic surfaces maintain themselves clean thanks to their dirt-killing effect.
  • Their effects are permanent.



Invisible Treatments

Cement-based products


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