
QLayer Technology is based on a natural process, where a coating agent, containing natural semiconductors, is activated by special visible light energy from PureLight lamps, thus creating a Red-ox reaction.

When this coating is applied on surfaces, it results on the elimination of all microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts…)

Q-Layer products contribute to the elimination of harmful elements and microorganisms, improving the quality of life of animals.

Air Quality

The QLayer System is the ultimate solution for ammonia (NH3) removal on farms. The QLayer System is capable of reducing ammonia concentration by more than 85%.

In addition, the QLayer System eliminates other toxic gases from the air, methane (CH4), Sulfur Oxides, and in general, the gases that cause odors, allowing animals and people to breathe a much cleaner air, and in adition to protect the environment.

With this we achieve a significant improvement in biosecurity, animal welfare and an increase in the productivity of livestock farms, protecting the health of farmers.

Animal Welfare

The concept of animal welfare is multidimensional and includes three fundamental pillars:

1. The proper functioning of the body (which, among other things, means that the animals are healthy and well fed).

2. The emotional state of the animal (including the absence of negative emotions such as pain and chronic fear)

3. The possibility of expressing some normal behaviors typical of the species.


The biosecurity in a livestock farm refers to the maintenance of the environment free of microorganisms, or to keep them at a minimum load not affecting animal health and production.

The “biosafety circle” counts and analyzes all the transmitting vectors to which a farm is exposed:

1. Entry of animals, products and materials

2. Farm staff

3. Transport of animals

4. Facilities, adjacent areas and inaccessible or neglected corners

5. Other vectors of transmission: insects, birds, mices, cockroaches etc…

6. Corpse management areas

Applications Sectors

Small Animals
Poultry Animals
Animal Transport
Pig Farming

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